Hui Chen, Research Specialist, Chalmers University of Technology


Hui Chen is currently a Research Specialist (Permanent Researcher) at Chalmers University of Technology in Prof. Henk Wymeersch’s group (CROSSNET Team), Gothenburg, Sweden. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the same group at Chalmers and held a Senior Researcher position at Technology Innovation Institute (AI and Digital Science Research Center), Abu Dhabi, UAE. He received the Ph.D. Degree in electrical and computer engineering from King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) (Information System Lab, supervised by Prof. Tareq Al-Naffouri), Thuwal, Saudi Arabia, in Aug. 2021. His research interests include 5G/6G Localization, Mismatch Analysis and Calibration, and Machine Learning for Localization and Sensing.

What is new:

2024.09: Our work is accepted by IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society: “Inferring Direction and Orientation from Polarized Signals: Feasibility and Bounds.”
2024.08: 3 papers are accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2024.
2024.07: 2 papers are accepted by IEEE SPAWC 2024.
2024.06: Started my 1-month Research Visit in Prof. Lihua Xie’s group at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2024.06: We have successfully given a half-day tutorial in IEEE VTC 2024-Spring: “T4: Localization and Sensing in RIS-Aided Wireless Communication Systems.”
2024.06: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “Experimental Validation of Single BS 5G mmWave Positioning and Mapping for Intelligent Transport.”
2024.05: Our Chalmers Area-of-Advance Transport Collaborative Project got funded by Chalmers (2M SEK).
2024.05: Two Chalmers Area-of-Advance Seed Projects got funded by Chalmers (415K + 300K SEK).
2024.05: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters: “Beamforming Inferring by Conditional WGAN-GP for Holographic Antenna Arrays.”
2024.04: Our work is accepted by IEEE PIMRC 2024: “ELAA Near-Field Localization and Sensing with Partial Blockage Detection.”
2024.02: Started working as a Research Specialist at Chalmers University of Technology.
2024.01: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “Multi-RIS-Enabled 3D Sidelink Positioning.”
2023.12: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications: “6G Localization and Sensing in the Near Field: Features, Opportunities, and Challenges.”
2023.11: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “Modeling and Analysis of OFDM-based 5G/6G Localization under Hardware Impairments.”
2023.11: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “JrCUP: Joint RIS Calibration and User Positioning for 6G Wireless Systems.”
2023.10: Started working as a Senior Researcher at Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
2023.09: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “Coverage analysis of joint localization and communication in THz systems with 3D arrays.”
2023.08: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “Joint User Localization and Location Calibration of A Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface.”
2023.08: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “RIS-Enabled and Access-Point-Free Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping.”
2023.05: Received Ericsson Research Grant, Ericsson, Sweden.
2023.04: Received Seal of Excellence, Marie Curie Fellowship (MSCA-PF), European Commission.
2023.04: One US Patent issued (after a long time): “Ultrasound Based Air-Writing System and Method.”
2023.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine: “RISs and Sidelink Communications in Smart Cities: The Key to Seamless Localization and Sensing.”
2023.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2023: “Misspecified Cramer-Rao Bound of RIS-aided Localization under Geometry Mismatch.”
2023.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICC 2023 (workshop): “RIS‑Aided Monostatic Sensing and Object Detection with Single and Double Bounce Multipath.”
2023.01: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICC 2023: “RIS Position and Orientation Estimation via Multi-Carrier Transmissions and Multiple Receivers.”

2022.11: A short article is published in Nature News & Views: “Phone signals can help you find your way in cities even without GPS.”
2022.11: Our work is accepted by IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine: “Positioning and Sensing in 6G: Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities.”
2022.10: Hexa-X Deliverable D3.2 is available: “Initial models and measurements for localisation and sensing.”
2022.08: 5 papers are accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, 1 paper is accepted by IEEE VTC-Fall 2022 (workshop).
2022.07: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “Antenna Selection in Switch-Based MIMO Array via DOA Threshold Region Approximation.”
2022.07: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement: “Constrained Wrapped Least Squares: A Tool for High Accuracy GNSS Attitude Determination.”
2022.05: Our work is accepted by IEEE FUSION 2022: “Experimental Validation of Single Base Station 5G mmWave Positioning: Initial Findings.”
2022.04: Our work is accepted by EuCNC & 6G Summit 2022: “6G Radio Requirements to Support Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing.”
2022.04: Our work is accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials: “A Tutorial on Terahertz-Band Localization for 6G Communication Systems.”
2022.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICC 2022 (workshop): “MCRB-based Performance Analysis of 6G Localization under Hardware Impairments.”
2022.01: Hexa-X Deliverable D3.1 is available: “Localization and Sensing Use Cases and Gap Analysis.”

2021.10: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “TeraMIMO: A Channel Simulator for Wideband Ultra-Massive MIMO Terahertz Communications.”
2021.08: Started working as a Postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology (funded by the European Union’s Hexa-X Project).
2021.07: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters: “DOA Estimation with Non-Uniform Linear Arrays: A Phase-Difference Projection Approach.”
2021.07: Defended my Ph.D. Thesis: “Stochastic Optimization in Target Positioning and Location-based Applications”!!
2021.06: Our Waste Management project is selected to present in Swiss–Middle East Circular Economy for Youth Initiative (SMECEYI), Swiss Pavilion, Expo Dubai, UAE.
2021.04: Our Smart Tap project won first place in the Digital Research track at the Digital Innovation Awards, launched by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT), Saudi Arabia.
2021.01: Our work is accepted by IEEE Signal Processing Letters: “A Maximum-Likelihood TDOA Localization Algorithm Using Difference-of-Convex Programming.”
2021.01: Presented (Oral) our paper in Eusipco 2020 (online), Amsterdam, Netherlands:”Phase-Difference-Based 3-D Source Localization Using a Compact Receiver Configuration.”

2020.10: Participated NEOM AI Challenge as 1 of the 3 KAUST Teams (100+ teams from 40 universities) with Utopia Project (Smart Tap), we made it to the TOP-5 finalist in Energy-Track.
2020.05: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement: “Air-Writing via Receiver Array Based Ultrasonic Source Localization.”
2020.04: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters: “A Joint TDOA-PDOA Localization Approach Using Particle Swarm Optimization.”
2020.04: Started an Internship at NEOM working as a Mixed Reality Developer.
2019.09: Presented (Oral) our paper in Eusipco 2019, A Coruna, Spain: “Realtime 2-D DOA Estimation Using Phase-Difference Projection (PDP).”
2019.08: Started to work as an RA (Residential Assistant) in the Office of Residential Life, Graduate Affairs, KAUST.
2019.08: One US Patent filed, No.10,386,481: “Angle-of-Arrival-Based Gesture Recognition System and Method.”
2019.02: Presented (Poster) our paper in IEEE VR 2019, Osaka, Japan: “A Decomposition Approach for Complex Gesture Recognition Using DTW and Prefix Tree.”
2019.03: Our startup “Nommas” is selected into Taqadam Accelerator (2019-Cohort 3) with $20K USD funding.
2019.01: Our startup “Nommas” (previously ‘Wisensing’) is selected into the Taqadam Pre-Accelerator phase from 518 applications.
2018.11: Presented (Poster) our paper in GlobalSIP 2018, Anaheim, USA: “Fast Phase-Difference-Based DoA Estimation Using Random Ferns.”
2018.08: TA in graduate course EE242 Digital Communication and Coding (2018-2019 Fall).
2018.08: Guided two summer interns with project “Real-time Arabic Air-writing Character Recognition”.
2018.04: Presented “UBAS: An Ultrasound Based Air-writing System” in ICASSP 2018 Demo session, Calgary, Canada.
2017.09: Presented (Oral) our paper in Eusipco 2017, Kos, Greece: “Angle-of-Arrival-Based Gesture Recognition Using Ultrasonic Multi-frequency Signals.”
2017.08: TA in graduate course EE242 Digital Communication and Coding (2017-2018 Fall).
2017.04: Obtained the 4th place in 2017 Microsoft Indoor Localization Competition.
2017.02: Successfully passed the written EE PhD qualifying exam.
2016.08: Started my PhD study (with full financial funding, KAUST Fellowship) in Electrical Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST).