Year 2022 Summary
First year in Sweden as a Postdoc.
Archived news in Sweden before the end of 2022:
2022.11: A short article is published in Nature News & Views: “Phone signals can help you find your way in cities even without GPS.”
2022.11: Our work is accepted by IEEE Vehicular Technology Magazine: “Positioning and Sensing in 6G: Gaps, Challenges and Opportunities.”
2022.10: Hexa-X Deliverable D3.2 is available: “Initial models and measurements for localisation and sensing.”
2022.08: 5 papers are accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2022, 1 paper is accepted by IEEE VTC-Fall 2022 (workshop).
2022.07: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “Antenna Selection in Switch-Based MIMO Array via DOA Threshold Region Approximation.”
2022.07: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement: “Constrained Wrapped Least Squares: A Tool for High Accuracy GNSS Attitude Determination.”
2022.05: Our work is accepted by IEEE FUSION 2022: “Experimental Validation of Single Base Station 5G mmWave Positioning: Initial Findings.”
2022.04: Our work is accepted by EuCNC & 6G Summit 2022: “6G Radio Requirements to Support Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing.”
2022.04: Our work is accepted by IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials: “A Tutorial on Terahertz-Band Localization for 6G Communication Systems.”
2022.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICC 2022 (workshop): “MCRB-based Performance Analysis of 6G Localization under Hardware Impairments.”
2022.01: Hexa-X Deliverable D3.1 is available: “Localization and Sensing Use Cases and Gap Analysis.”
2021.10: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “TeraMIMO: A Channel Simulator for Wideband Ultra-Massive MIMO Terahertz Communications.”
2021.08: Started working as a Postdoc at Chalmers University of Technology (funded by the European Union’s Hexa-X Project).
2021.07: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters: “DOA Estimation with Non-Uniform Linear Arrays: A Phase-Difference Projection Approach.”