Year 2023 Summary
Completed my first-round postdoc at Chalmers.
Archived news for the year 2023:
2023.12: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications: “6G Localization and Sensing in the Near Field: Features, Opportunities, and Challenges.”
2023.11: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “Modeling and Analysis of OFDM-based 5G/6G Localization under Hardware Impairments.”
2023.11: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “JrCUP: Joint RIS Calibration and User Positioning for 6G Wireless Systems.”
2023.10: Started working as a Senior Researcher at Technology Innovation Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
2023.09: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “Coverage analysis of joint localization and communication in THz systems with 3D arrays.”
2023.08: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “Joint User Localization and Location Calibration of A Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface.”
2023.08: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “RIS-Enabled and Access-Point-Free Simultaneous Radio Localization and Mapping.”
2023.05: Received Ericsson Research Grant, Ericsson, Sweden.
2023.04: Received Seal of Excellence, Marie Curie Fellowship (MSCA-PF), European Commission.
2023.04: One US Patent issued (after a long time): “Ultrasound Based Air-Writing System and Method.”
2023.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE Communications Magazine: “RISs and Sidelink Communications in Smart Cities: The Key to Seamless Localization and Sensing.”
2023.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICASSP 2023: “Misspecified Cramer-Rao Bound of RIS-aided Localization under Geometry Mismatch.”
2023.03: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICC 2023 (workshop): “RIS‑Aided Monostatic Sensing and Object Detection with Single and Double Bounce Multipath.”
2023.01: Our work is accepted by IEEE ICC 2023: “RIS Position and Orientation Estimation via Multi-Carrier Transmissions and Multiple Receivers.”