Year 2024 Summary

Started a new position at Chalmers!

Archived news for the year 2024:

2024.12: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications: “Integrated Communication, Localization, and Sensing in 6G D-MIMO Networks.”
2024.12: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications: “6G Positioning and Sensing Through the Lens of Sustainability, Inclusiveness, and Trustworthiness.”
2024.11: I served as a Jury Member in “B5G localization based on channel charting”, Huawei Hackathon, Stockholm, Sweden.
2024.11: Funding application of “International Individual Mobility for Cutting-edge Technology” granted by Vinnova.
2024.10: I served as a Panel Moderator in “Swedish Communication Technology Workshop (Swe-CTW 2024)”, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2024.10: I served as a Judging Panel Member in the “Best Student Paper Award, IEEE Sweden VT/COM/IT Chapter”, Gothenburg, Sweden.
2024.09: Our work is accepted by IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society: “Inferring Direction and Orientation from Polarized Signals: Feasibility and Bounds.”
2024.08: 3 papers are accepted by IEEE GLOBECOM 2024.
2024.07: 2 papers are accepted by IEEE SPAWC 2024.
2024.06: Started my 1-month Research Visit in Prof. Lihua Xie’s group at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
2024.06: We have successfully given a half-day tutorial in IEEE VTC 2024-Spring: “T4: Localization and Sensing in RIS-Aided Wireless Communication Systems.”
2024.06: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology: “Experimental Validation of Single BS 5G mmWave Positioning and Mapping for Intelligent Transport.”
2024.05: Our Chalmers Area-of-Advance Transport Collaborative Project got funded by Chalmers (2M SEK).
2024.05: Two Chalmers Area-of-Advance Seed Projects got funded by Chalmers (415K + 300K SEK).
2024.05: Our work is accepted by IEEE Wireless Communications Letters: “Beamforming Inferring by Conditional WGAN-GP for Holographic Antenna Arrays.”
2024.04: Our work is accepted by IEEE PIMRC 2024: “ELAA Near-Field Localization and Sensing with Partial Blockage Detection.”
2024.02: Started working as a Research Specialist at Chalmers University of Technology.
2024.01: Our work is accepted by IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: “Multi-RIS-Enabled 3D Sidelink Positioning.”